Thailand Taboo: 5 Ways to Mind Your Feet

In one of my recent articles, I talked about the Thai taboo of touching people’s heads, and today I want to talk about the complete opposite—the human foot. While the head is considered a sacred part of the human body, the foot is considered the dirtiest (as it probably is) and also the least sacred. This may have come about to be due to sanitary concerns of the […]

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Thailand Taboo: Hands Off…My Head That Is

My time in Thailand is coming to a close, and I’m not done writing about it by any means, but I do want to make it a point to cover some of the major “don’t do that’s” before I pack my bags and head out the door. After all, it’s often what we don’t know rather than what we do know that gets us in trouble on the road, […]

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4 Ways My Time in Thailand Has Changed Me…for Better or Worse


As the end of my long stay here in Thailand comes to an end (and I’m almost 100% sure it is not the last), I’m really coming to terms with the time that I’ve spent here. I feel a real sense of homesickness about leaving that I never really felt in America and still rarely feel about my childhood home—as if by leaving I’m leaving a part of […]

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Culture Shock in Thailand: 5 Things You’ll Just Have to Get Over Sooner or Later

I’m not so sure it’s possible for someone from the West to land in Thailand and not experience a bit of culture shock. They say this country is one of those places you either love or hate. To be honest, I haven’t met a whole lot of people who would choose the latter word to describe it—everyone I run into loves the hell out of this place.
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Some Must-Do Bizarre Foods in Thailand

If there’s one thing that Thailand has achieved international acclaim for, this is a distinct cuisine. Known across the world for it’s spicy and all around strong flavors, many feel Thai food is one of the best in the world, and I’d have to agree on that front. But when you finally do step in country, you’ll find other foods that are even more distinct than you […]

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4 Thai Desserts You Can’t Miss Out On

When we think of Thai food, desserts are generally not one of the first things that come to mind, but you will be surprised at the wide array of delicious, dazzling-looking sweet dishes all across Thailand. Many may be a bit too sweet for the Western palate, but I highly encourage giving them a shot. Here are some of my favorites:
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Some Well-heeled Advice on Dealing With Police in Thailand

I hope you never have to deal with the police in Thailand—or any country for that matter—but the reality is that in the course of life, things do happen. Things get stolen. Violence occurs in a pub or a club. We get pulled over. We witness an accident. Or maybe we are just stopped on the street for a conversation.
First off, the police in Thailand […]

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My Night of Adventure in the Middle of Thailand’s Political Upheaval

I wrote some time ago about the political situation here in Thailand—well, actually, I haven’t covered the actual politics of the political situation, because frankly, I don’t think I know enough about it to comment and often Westerners who live here and voice opinions about the government can often be frowned upon. I can understand why some would voice their opinions anyhow because they do live here, but in […]

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Beggars in Thailand—What’s the Real Story?

One of the most difficult things about staying in this country, or any poor country, are the beggars (or I suppose, to be more accurate, the poverty). You’ll find them trolling any of the tourist areas and even around the university bars here in Chiang Mai, going from bar to bar with their cups and bowls and asking for change. Some are mothers with babies in their arms. Some are […]

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How to Get a Free Thai Language Teacher

For me, learning a language offers a much-needed insight into a new country, and I personally believe you can never truly understand a new culture unless you learn the language.
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